(HARDWARE) Next Design Iteration: Manufacturability

What’s next for the Mothbox? A manufacturable one! We are already putting designs and applying to grants to fund the next iteration of its design.

We already have a field tested DIY device optimized for you making it yourself with off-the-shelf parts, so now we are working on making a new open-source PCB that can be mass manufactured to help get it to people even easier.

(more details soon)

(SOFTWARE) Next Design Iteration: Usability

We have also been working on applying to funds to create a UI for our post-processing software! Right now we have an (amazing suite of software scripts)[https://github.com/Digital-Naturalism-Laboratories/Mothbox/tree/main/AI] that detect your insects, ID your insects, let you add/correct identifications, and output DarwinCORE compatible files for research.