Download Software to Help Run Post-Processing Scripts

After you install the above software on your computer (in particular, Python), you can then install some more software in a special, magical nerdy way.

Download More Software Using the Terminal

Python installs a special thing called “pip” onto your machine, and you can use pip to install extra open source software and libraries onto your computer super easily!

Enter Terminal/”Nerd Mode” on Your Computer


On a Windows computer you have to open a terminal, but make sure it is in “Adminstrator Mode.”

  • Click the “Windows” button
  • type “cmd”
  • Right click the “Command Prompt”
  • Select “Run as administrator


Now you can type in these commands and hit enter after each one!

These first commands are important, because some programs haven’t updated their software to run with newer versions of Python. So some of the first things you will do is actually downgrade your python to 3.11. You don’t have to actually worry much about what these commands do, just copy and paste them and hit enter!

winget install python.python.3.11
pip install pybioclip
pip install unidecode
pip install pandas
pip install pillow
pip install numpy
pip install fiftyone
pip install ultralytics

(Ultralytics is a big one that might take a while to install)

pip install opencv-python

(Opencv is another big one)

pip3 install torch torchvision torchaudio --index-url

Linux or Mac

On Mac and Linux you just open a “Terminal,” and then you can run adminstrator level commands by just using the word “sudo” in front of each command you give.


Now you can type in these commands and hit enter after each one!

sudo pip install pybioclip
sudo pip install unidecode
sudo pip install pandas
sudo pip install pillow
sudo pip install numpy
sudo pip install ultralytics

(Ultralytics is a big one that might take a while to install.)

sudo pip install opencv-python

(Opencv is another big one.)

Download Mothbot Scripts

Finally you can download our collection of Python scripts that help you process your data! It’s easy to get the latest versions of the scripts that we update through Github. First, go to the Mothbox’s Github Site

Then click on the button that says “code.” image

You can click “Open with Github Desktop,” or Download ZIP if you didn’t install the Github desktop app.

If you look into this set of scripts you downloaded, you can go into the Mothbox>AI folder to see all the postprocessing scripts. image

Next follow the other instructions on this site for each part of the post-processing steps to turn your data from photos to rich documents full of taxonomical and metadata information!