Here’s a guide to basic troubleshooting if you encounter a problem using your Mothbox.
How can I tell the difference between a 12V and a 24V battery?
The easiest way to tell the difference is by looking at the back of the battery and see what voltage is listed under the input. The 24V one will say 29.4V and the 12V will say 12.6V.
Example of a 12V battery
Example of a 24V battery
Another easy trick is that you’ll notice the 12V batteries don’t list the voltage on their sides, whereas the 24V one does. The 24V battery also has a little “groove” that sticks out further than the 12V one
A reminder that all 12V batteries are charged by a black charger, and all 24V batteries are charged by a white charger! .
Can I charge batteries in parallel?
The short answer is: No! It’s ok to keep two batteries daisy-chained together in parallel when charging another battery (i.e, the one in your Mothbox), but directly charging (i.e, from a wall plug) batteries in parallel can damage them. Make sure that when you are daisy chaining two or more batteries, the batteries all begin at the same charge level.