Connecting to a Mothbox remotely

Editing a Mothbox with another Raspberry Pi

Here’s how to load a completely fresh version of raspberry pi OS onto a device

Flashing the SD card

Open Raspberry Pi Imager

Choose: Raspberry Pi OS 32 Bit image choose your SD card

Then press the little settings icon and make the following settings

hostname: mothboxstation username: pi password: gimmemoths (or whatever you want)

make sure to click “Enable SSH”

under CONFIGURE WIRELESS LAN for SSID put the exact name of your wifi and enter the password next image hit save

next hit WRITE image

and the image will start loading onto your pi

logging into your pi via wifi

load the SD card into your pi wait about a minute for it to boot up

now go to a windows computer and hit the windows button

type CMD hit enter

you will see a command prompt

type: ssh pi@mothbox.local image

after just a second or two, it should find your pi it will ask you if you want to continue, type “yes” and hit enter

and then it will ask for the password

enter the password, hit enter

Raspi Config

now type

sudo raspi-config

hit enter you will see the raspi-config menu come up image

go to interface options go to “VNC” enable VNC image

go to FINISH

VNC “Headless” connection

Starting with raspberry pi operating systems since oct 2023, you have to use something like Download

open the program image enter mothboxstation.local and hit connect to continue hit yes type your username and password e.g. pi gimmemoths

your headless basestation for programming pis is now set! image